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Niacinamide: Super Cosmetic Ingredient That Can Do Anything!

Niacinamide or nicotinic acid is a water-soluble vitamin B3. It is responsible for several processes in the body: ▫️ converts food into energy, ▫️ stimulates blood circulation, ▫️ has anti-inflammatory effect, ▫️ provides protection to skin and liver tissues, ▫️ it affects the visual acuity and the quality of the hair.

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How to properly care for your skin: 4 basic rules

Skin is a key factor of any person. Yes, it is a «person», not a woman or a man. After all, each of us wants to look presentable and well-groomed, regardless of gender. Pimples, blackheads, and dark circles under the eyes spoil the first impression. And these factors don't depend on age, race, or skin color. The main thing is to learn the basic rules of care and follow them. 

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How To Solve 90% Of All Skin Problems?

 Achieving good visible results is easy, you just need to follow the rules for skin care. Proper home care solves 90% of all skin problems!  Unfortunately, many neglect home skin routine, or do it incorrectly, which is very harmful to the skin. And the skin is an organ of protection and it needs special care.  If you follow cosmetic rules every day, your skin will be healthy, young and beautiful. Regularity matters!  When we talk about cosmetic rules, we mean the following: a set of mandatory daily and weekly procedures + products suitable for you for all these procedures (with a good, safe and non-aggressive composition).  What happens if you properly care for your skin at home?  Basic care solves...

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